Veteran of the London-Brighton runs takes on a much bigger challenge in America

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November BRIGHTON 2012: Finish line for the 116th London to Brighton Veteran Car run - pictured: -----------        Image Credit :SussexSportPhotography.comThe world famous Royal Automobile Club, who host the oldest motoring event in the world, the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run every November, is wishing one of their regular participants, Joy Rainey, the best of luck as she sets off on an epic 2,826 mile trip across America this Saturday, the 13th April.

At 0800 local time, or 1600 GMT, Joy is set to be flagged on her way by the Mayor from Oceanside, California as she starts the long drive from Los Angeles to Daytona Beach. She will be driving her 110 year old Oldsmobile in order to raise much needed funds for Cancer Research UK.

Joy has a very varied motor sport career. She campaigned a Jaguar E-type in speed hill climbs before progressing to a 2.3-litre single-seater – breaking several records along the way. She took part in the London to Sydney Marathon in 2004 (in a Morris Minor) and the 5,000-mile Carrera Sudamericana two years later – in a V8 Jeep Grand Cherokee converted to run on LPG.

She first took part in the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run in 2001 in a 1901 Clément Voiturette lent to her by Haynes Motor Museum. The car didn’t make it to Brighton but for the 2006 event Joy returned with 1904 Oldsmobile Curved Dash Runabout from the USA, which she bought by selling her single-seater hill climb car. The Oldsmobile has taken Joy to the finish of the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run on several occasions – including in 2012 when it took her nearly five hours to complete.

For many years, Joy’s partner and co-driver in long distance rallies was Trevor Hulks. Sadly, he passed away in 2010. Joy is undertaking the trip as a tribute to Trevor and hopes to £20,000 for Cancer Research UK. On the trip across America the Oldsmobile will encounter an enormous range of conditions, from 6,500-foot high mountains to blisteringly hot deserts.

Social media users can follow Joy’s progress on Twitter (@JoyAcrossAmeric) and Facebook (Joy Across America). When the car is in motion position updates should be available every 30 minutes via Yellowbrick Tracking and there will also be regular video and photographic updates posted. She expects to arrive in Daytona Beach on Monday 13 May – day 31 of the journey.

For more information about the trip or to make a donation to Cancer Research UK visit:

A short film about Joy, the USA trip and the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run can be viewed below.


