Category: Parking

Car Models General Parking

Google claim their driver less cars are safer than those with a human at the wheel

According to the man in charge of the Google autonomous car project, their self driving Lexus and Prius models are far safer than those actually driven by humans. Speaking at a Californian robotics conference, Chris Urmson said that the Google cars were both safer and smoother than cars driven by even professional drivers. He said […]

General Motoring Laws News Parking

Eric Pickles gets backs up by speaking out against traffic wardens

Local Government Secretary, Mr. Eric Pickles, stated that he wants stop the ‘overzealous’ culture of wardens and asked that ‘officious’ wardens be more flexible when it comes to matters that might help the economy. While local councils will clash with Pickles since they depend on the revenue that comes from parking fines, Mr. Pickles warned […]