80 classic cars line up for this years Rally of Tests

Enthusiasts can see what is on show in the full colour spectators guide
This Thursday, the 31st October, more than 80 classic cars will be battling it out between them between Chester and Harrogate as part of “The Rally of Tests” which has been organised by the CRA; Classic Rally Association. The 2013 event will take drivers along challenging roads and spectacular scenery right across Cumbria, Lancashire and North Wales before they finish up in Harrogate in Yorkshire on Sunday the 3rd November.
Jeremy Dickson, CRA Event Director, said: “It will be an exciting event and we expect competition will be fierce until the last test. There are over 80 crews taking part and many of them could claim the 1st place. Many crews wear period dress which helps bring a classic elegance to the event.”
He added: “It will be a great spectacle for the public to see the cars as they pass by each town. We would like to encourage them to come out to the lanes to cheer for the cars and for this we are publishing a full spectator guide indicating the time and locations where the cars will be each day.”
The rally is open to all cars manufactured before 1981 and the entries received so far include a 1960 Riley 1.5, a 1958 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint and a 1954 Lancia Aurelia B20, amongst others.
The event is the final round of the FIA Trophy for Historic Regularity Rallies and defending champion Joe Reynolds from Ireland in a BMW Alpina will face fierce competition from the Austrian father and son team of Michael and Sebastian Haberl, who will be in a Porsche 911.
The Rally of the Tests is the fifth qualifying round of the much coveted 2013 HERO Cup, in association with EFG International. The club’s annual championship sees crews participating in a sufficient number of events organised by HERO and the CRA along 2013, competing to win a week on board the 95 ft. S/Y Orianda cruising in the Mediterranean (www.orianda1937.com).