Introducing the Sea Lion amphibious supercar

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Some people like adventure, and some people like to know that there is no limit to what they want to do, for those people the Sea Lion project is likely going to be a hit. Manufactured by M. Witt, the Sea Lion is a race car that can not only tackle dry ground at ridiculous speeds, but it can also tackle the water so that you can literally go anywhere on earth that you would like to without leaving the car.

Although the design is rather primitive and made out of mostly sheet metal, there is no denying the charm of a car with transforming pieces that can enter water on a whim. What is perhaps more alluring is the fact that the driver’s seat has a dome over it, so that when the vehicle is in the water the drive looks more like a submarine driver than an automobile driver.

Of course, at times you will want to get out the vehicle and see what the world has to offer; which is when the side cabs of the Sea Lion are going to come in handy, because stored within are two mountain bikes ready for use. For those who want adventure, the Sea Lion certainly promises an eventful ending.
