Halfords reminds drivers about morning after drink driving

As the Christmas party season is just about upon us Halfords is pointing out that motorists really should be carrying a personal breathalyser device with them to ensue that they have not had one sherry too many before they get behind the wheel. Drivers need to keep in mind that they need to be secure in the notion that they are indeed safe and legal to drive after a festive tipple
The UK drink drive limit is only 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, so a small amount of alcohol can take drivers over the limit – risking a fine of up to £5,000, a minimum 12-month driving ban and a criminal record, in addition to the obvious danger to the safety of other road users.
Halfords product manager David Hammond said: “Despite high profile road safety campaigns highlighting the issue, many people still believe that a few hours of sleep will get rid of all of the alcohol in their system.
“Recognising that some drivers may innocently get behind the wheel the morning after an office Christmas party thinking they are fine, we are advising drivers to carry a personal breathalyser that can be used to check as a precaution.”
The effects of alcohol can be longer lasting than many people realise. Drinking 4 pints of medium strong beer** or 4 large glasses of wine** between 9pm and midnight, can take over 14 hours to leave the system.
David Hammond added : “ Any amount of alcohol affects your ability to drive, so our advice is not to drink at all. However, since we are focussed on helping our customers stay safe on the roads, we stock breathalysers that enable them to check if their body has metabolised the alcohol they have consumed before they set out.”
Halfords stock AlcoSense’s award-winning, mobile phone-sized, personal breathalysers, which quickly and accurately tell the user whether the alcohol has passed from their system the morning after.
There are three re-useable models in the AlcoSense range that enable motorists to comply with UK road safety laws – the AlcoSense Elite (£59.99), AlcoSense Lite (£39.99) and AlcoSense ONE (£29.99). For more information about these products visit www.halfords.com